Kids’ brains quickly fill with all the cool things so they need more sleep to process everything.
Creating a bedtime routine helps kids wind down and signals to their brain it is time to start getting sleepy
The human body needs to rest. A person’s mind and energy are often needed during the day, but they need to recharge themselves at night. Sleeping helps us recover from our mental and physical fatigue. If we don’t get enough sleep, it may lead to health problems such as high blood pressure or heart disease. Sleep is necessary for our body and mind.
There are many functions of sleep, for example:
Our brain clears metabolic waste.
It also consolidates memories and learns new skills.
It restores the immune system.
It helps maintain the balance of water content in the body.
Sleep is essential for our survival, but it isn’t always easy to achieve. Some people have trouble sleeping because of stress or anxiety. Others suffer from insomnia due to medical conditions like depression or sleep apnea. In any case, we spend about a third of our lives asleep, so it is important to try to get the best sleep possible.
Why do we sleep at night?
Our bodies need sleep to survive, so we spend a third of our lives sleeping. During sleep, the bodyrepairs cells and rejuvenates itself. During deep sleep, the body releases growth hormones to regenerate tissue, muscles, and bones. Doctors recommend getting a full night’s sleep because it gives your body time to restore itself from daily wear and tear. Sleep also helps the mind recover by clearing away the day’s worries and stresses. During sleep, your brain processes new information and moves short-term memories into long-term storage. Some people report having creative insights or ideas while dreaming.
Insufficient sleep can impact your quality of life in a number of ways. Getting enough sleep is essential for your mental well-being. Sleep deprivation can contribute to problems with memory, attention, and decision making. It can also lead to more severe health conditions.
While most of us need about 8 hours of sleep each night to be at our best, everyone has different needs. Some people need less sleep than the average, and others need more. Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. Children and teenagers tend to need more sleep than adults, while older adults often need less.
Why is sleep important?
Sleep is as important to our lives as food, water, and shelter. We spend a third of our lives sleeping, which is more time than we spend eating and a lot more than we spend working. Despite its importance, sleep often takes a backseat to other obligations. We sacrifice sleep to spend time with friends and family, pursue our goals, or even watch TV.
Getting enough sleep is essential for our survival. Sleep helps maintain a healthy immune system, which protects your body from disease. It also helps us think more clearly and make better decisions. When we don’t get enough sleep, our brains don’t function at full capacity. We are more likely to make poor choices and be accident-prone.
Our bodies also need sleep to maintain good health. Sleep helps us maintain a healthy weight and bolster our metabolism. Getting enough sleep can also lower your risk of developing serious health conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
Why do kids need more sleep?
Kids may try to stay up late and claim they don’t need as much sleep as their parents. This may be true to a certain extent, but kids still need more sleep than adults.
Children are still in the process of growing — both physically and mentally — and that extra sleep is what their bodies need to grow and mature in a healthy way.
Children need about 10-13 hours of sleep each night for optimal health. Kids who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have problems at school. This is true for young children and teenagers.
Getting enough sleep can also help prevent obesity in children and teens. Sleep deprivation can increase your appetite, leading to weight gain and poor health.
Infants need 5 times more REM (rapid eye movement) sleep than adults (8 hours versus 1.5). This gives them enough time to sift through all the day’s chaotic happenings to figure out which new memories to file away and which to forget. In fact, our babies’ brains quickly fillwith all the cool things they want to remember.
Adults probably need much less REM sleep because our lives are pretty routine.
What should I do if my child doesn’t get enough sleep?
Children need a certain amount of sleep each night for optimal health. If your child isn’t getting enough sleep, there are some things you can do to help.
First, if your child is still an infant, check to see if they are getting enough naps during the day. They also need to eat about every 2-3 hours. Once your infant is eating solid food and you know they are going longer stretches of time between feedings, then you can begin trying to establish a sleep schedule.
Listen to your child
Most parents make the mistake of trying to force their kids into a sleep routine before they are developmentally ready. This can lead to frustration for everyone involved. Some kids simply aren’t ready to sleep through the night, and that’s okay.
Instead of forcing sleep on your kids, begin by listening to their needs. If your infant is crying at night, it may just be because they are hungry. Try feeding them and seeing if they settle down. If they continue to cry, it might be because they need a diaper change. Try changing their diaper and see if that soothes them.
Once your child begins eating solid food, you’ll know when they need feeding because they will let you know. At this point, you can begin trying to establish a bedtime routine.
Establish a bedtime routine
Children thrive on structure. They know what to expect, and they like knowing what is going to happen each day. This helps them feel secure.
Creating a bedtime routine helps kids wind down and signals to their brain it is time to start getting sleepy. Here are some ideas for creating a bedtime routine:
Give yourself enough time. Give yourself and your child at least a half-hour to an hour to wind down before bedtime. If you are rushed, your child will sense your stress and become more alert.
A bedtime routine includes all of the things that you do with your child just before bedtime, such as taking a bath, the last diaper change, putting on pajamas, saying prayers, some kids like to hear a bedtime story, others may want to talk about their day, etc.
Or just try Calmind sleep sounds or stories and fall asleep with your child together :).